Water Fight!
We are not quite sure how we got into this tradition... But we all love it!
Below you can see some of the things that the classes at Dennington have been doing.
There are more photographs of these events in the Photo Gallery section.
We are delighted to share these photographs with parents, but we ask that you do not share any of them on any social media platforms, please.
We are not quite sure how we got into this tradition... But we all love it!
This year our school play was Beauty and the Beast.
This year we held our Sports Day in the local community park. Great fun was had by all and we event tried out some new events.
Swallow Class visited the Tower of London and Globe Theatre and experienced life in our Capital.
As part of their topic on Tudor England, Swallow Class dressed up in costume and took part in the annual recreation at Kenwell Hall.
Wrens visited Trinity Park and learned lots about farming and life in rural Suffolk
Wren Class enjoyed their trip to Dunwich to find out how coastlines are eroded and what life was like for the people who lived and lost their houses to the sea.
Our Elmer makes the news.